A few more items from the goodies that J. Cat sent me, some shimmer powders! Now, I think that they're a bit better described as loose powder shadows, but I assume that they are all shimmery, hence the shimmer powder name. I got three shades to try out and I wanted to review them for you before I do a tutorial in a few days. Keep reading to find out more about these!

(from L to R; Bronze, Persian Green, Carnation Violet)
I received three shades from J. Cat and they are SP125 Bronze, SP111 Persian Green, and SP132 Carnation Violet. First and foremost, these bottles are pretty much filled to the brim, so it's definitely known that you are getting all $2.99 worth of the powder. That price, of course, is another main selling point; highly pigmented loose shadows for three bucks is pretty nice. If you're thinking that these look incredibly similar to another brand... you're right.
These are incredibly similar to NYX's Ultra Pearl Mania shadows, but there is one this about this very similar product that I like better about J. Cat's product: the lid. These are small containers and the lid on the NYX is kind of small, so if your hands are at all moist (like... from putting on moistruizer or applying other makeup), the lid can be difficult to get off. The J. Cat shimmer powder lid is a lot taller and it does make it a lot easier to get off. Also, both brands put a sticker label on the back of the container and NYX's sticker leaves a really gross residue on the bottle, while J. Cat's peels right off.
Anyway... back to the J. Cat product. The powder applies very smoothly and applies very densely with just a small amount of product. With any loose shadow product, you have to apply carefully so that you don't get massive amounts of fallout. I like to use a somewhat flat eyeshadow brush to apply and press the shadow into my lid. It's a careful process, but if you're using lighter colors, you have more room for error.
When I put up the tutorial using some of these powders, you will see just how pigmented they truly are because these swatches were done with just a sprinkle of powder. The bronze is by the far the most pigmented, but the green and purple also pack a punch. I have a love affair with green shadow even though it probably doesn't look that good on me, so I love that I got a green. The purple definitely goes with its name, Carnation Violet, because it's a very warm violet shade. It works very well with the bronze since they're both warm toned shadows.
All in all, these are really awesome loose shadows and they come at a really reasonable price. You can pick them up at http://jcatbeauty.com and use code SPRING15 for 15% off until March 15th.
(all photos copyright Allison Richardson Photography and not available for use without permission)
*items were sent to me courtesy of J.
Cat Beauty, but I have received no compensation for this review. All
opinions stated are my own.
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